CNA Hardy

Enabling the hybrid meetings experience through Microsoft Teams Rooms

Enabling The Hybrid Meetings Experience Through Microsoft Teams Rooms

CNA Hardy wanted to improve communication and collaboration between teams by creating a flexible and modern workplace. They partnered with Cisilion to implement state-of-the-art meeting room technology powered by Microsoft Teams. The aim was to enhance collaboration, productivity, and employee satisfaction while also achieving cost savings.

Who is CNA Hardy?

CNA Hardy is a global specialty insurance company, headquartered in London, that provides a range of insurance solutions for businesses and professionals. With over 100 years of experience in the insurance industry, CNA Hardy has established a reputation for excellence and innovation.

Setting the Scene

CNA Hardy had the following challenges with its existing collaboration solution:


  • Legacy collaboration and meeting room technology was unable to provide the high standard of collaboration required.
  • Refurbishment to London office meant strict deadlines for the project.
  • Difficulty in connecting remote participants and integrating with existing tools, causing issues with sharing content, reducing collaboration and productivity
  • Time consuming and manual meeting room management processes requiring manual processes and support from IT staff.

The Solution

As CNA Hardy’s strategic partner, Cisilion utilised our Microsoft Solutions Partner status with Advanced Specializations in Collaboration to deploy Microsoft Teams Meeting Rooms powered by Logitech.
The project resulted in the deployment of:
Microsoft Teams Rooms

Enabled seamless communication and collaboration between teams in different locations, allowing for more effective communication and improved productivity.

Office Refresh & Digital Signage

Procuring hardware, including devices and screens, deployed across all desks, meeting rooms, and the new office space.

Cisilion's Gold Managed Service

Cisilion’s industry-leading Microsoft Teams Managed Service, including 24/7 support and monitoring, update management, and advanced hardware replacement.

The Benefits

With the Microsoft Teams Meeting Rooms deployed, CNA Hardy has achieved impressive ROI and benefits:
Completed its vision of a modern workplace

Completed its vision of a modern, flexible workplace, with state-of-the-art technology, resulting in increased employee satisfaction and a more attractive workplace for recruitment and retention purposes.

Significant Cost savings

Significant Cost savings through embracing flexible working, resulting in the reduction of office space required in London Office.

High adoption rates

High adoption rates and increased employee satisfaction through workshops hosted by Change Adopt.

Seamless user experience

Seamless user experience and improved management capabilities, resulting in a more efficient and effective workplace.

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