Team Cisilion New Starter: Michael Pitts

Team Cisilion New Starter: Michael Pitts

We are thrilled to welcome Michael Pitts to #TeamCisilion as Senior Project Manager! Learn more about Michael below:

Describe yourself in 3 words. 

Calm, Friendly, Approachable. 


Who is your biggest inspiration and why? 

My biggest inspiration is my family, they are the ones that drive me to do the best that I can. 


What does going Beyond Expectations mean to you?

It means going that extra mile so that clients or other Cisilion people feel that you care about the outcome of the work that you have done. 


Why did you join Team Cisilion? 

Cisilion Is a growing company that I was aware of before joining and I feel Is the right fit for me. 


What are you most looking forward to about working at Cisilion? 

I look forward to working with a good team of people that have the same goals to provide the best experience to our clients. 


What are you most proud of about your career so far? 

I am most proud of the relationships that I have created with both clients and colleagues to the point that many I now consider friends. 


What are your long-term career aspirations? 

To do the best job that I can whatever I do. 


What is a professional goal of yours? 

To work In an environment that encourages and rewards hard work 


What is a personal goal of yours? 

To be happy and healthy.