
Helping you protect, detect, and recover

Did You Know?

minutes is the median time for an attacker to begin moving laterally within your network once a device is compromised - Microsoft digital defence report, 2022 
of web application breaches involved some sort of credential abuse (either use of stolen credentials or brute force) – Verizon Data Breach Report, 2021

Adopting Zero Trust Security for your organisation is a business imperative.

The workplace today extends to almost anywhere, anytime, from any device. Siloed, patchwork security solutions leave gaps that threat actors continue to exploit.

We work with leading security vendors to help you adopt a comprehensive Zero Trust model to provide the integrated security your organisation requires – reaching across your entire digital estate to continuously verify every transaction, assert least-privilege access, and provide real-time responses to threats.

What Makes Us Great?

We have strategic partnerships with tier 1 security vendors, as well as being Cisco Advanced Security Architecture Specialised and Microsoft Security Solutions Partners.
We protect over 500,000 users, showcasing our ability to secure diverse and expansive environments.
We have over 20 years of proven experience, which has earned us the trust of top global law, insurance, and finance firms, as well as the public sector.

Our Clients

Warburg Pincus

Our Solutions

Following the principles of Zero Trust, we provide solutions that

Protect your users
Protect your endpoints
Protect your apps & data
Secure your network
Offer Security orchestration
Offer security automation & response

Outcomes and Benefits

Protect your revenue & reputation

by continuously monitoring your environment against malicious actors and update policies automatically when risks are identified.

Reduce cost by up to 60%

through vendor consolidation and standardisation – reducing licensing costs, people costs, maintenance, and operational expenses.

Protect everything

with a comprehensive portfolio of products and services that align with the Zero Trust framework.

Cut through the noise

by simplifying the management of security tools and consolidating multiple systems into a single pane of glass.

Lower cyber insurance premiums

by detecting and removing gaps in your overall security posture, and demonstrating to insurers that your security team have proactive strategies and systems in place.

Book a Zero Trust Security maturity assessment in our Client Experience Centre

We work across the security stack with a focus on helping you achieve end-to-end and cost-effective security strategy rather than simply a mesh of different products and vendors with different dashboards and management portals. Book an experience in our Client Experience Centre.