Managed Services

Protect your revenue and reputation 24/7

Did You Know?

of major outages stem from staff failing to follow procedures or from flaws in the processes and procedures themselves. - Uptime Institute, 2022 
of companies who engaged an MSP saved 1-24% in annual IT costs, 33% saved 25-49%, while 13% reported savings of more than 50%. - Comptia

Want to learn more about our Managed Services?

Sleep sound knowing our range of on-premise and cloud infrastructure services ensure the performance and availability of your business-critical solutions.

IT Ops are under pressure to limit disruption, reduce risk, and optimise your IT environment. To achieve this, you want a quick response to issues and proactive management to ensure your environment delivers business results.

What Makes Us Great?

Proactive Managed Service

Using AIOps to provide key insights for enhanced client success and exceptional support


Fully ITIL accredited Cisilion service centre technical resources with certified engineers

Multi-Vendor Accredited

Cisco Managed Service partner & Microsoft Certified Rooms Managed Service Provider

Forward Looking

Service reporting centred on continual improvement

Customer Success

Focussed to ensure business are getting the most from their investment

XLA Approach

Focussed on what’s most important to you

Our Clients

Bird & Bird

Our Solutions

Our managed services solutions cover core technology solutions such as:

Outcomes & Benefits

Optimise network performance

improve operational efficiency and simplify and automate ongoing operations using automated software-enabled capabilities and AI operations.

Complete visibility across your infrastructure

and hybrid cloud environment, where you can understand the health of your business services and the impact through a single pane of glass monitoring.

Improve agility and MTTR(mean time to resolution)

by automating incident ticketing, troubleshooting, remediation, CMBD updates, patch management and service requests to reduce and minimise outages and downtime.

Reduce risk & identify business service impact

with our ITSM toolset while allowing you to bridge the information gap between your business and IT. 

Reduced cost and complexity

through supplier and contract co-terming we reduce the annual administrative overheads of managing multiple vendor service contracts providing a single operational service for all your IT workloads.

Book a review with one of our managed services consultants in our CEC

With our managed services your teams can focus on the business-critical projects with the comfort that the day-to-day operation of the environment is being delivered by experts in our Client Experience Centre.

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